Castillo Aoba

 ¿Qué ver en Castillo aoba, Prefectura de miyagi?

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The Aoba Castle is a historic landmark located in the city of Sendai, in Miyagi Prefecture, Japan. The castle was constructed in the 16th century by the powerful samurai lord Date Masamune and was destroyed during the Meiji Restoration in the late 19th century. The castle was reconstructed in 1965 and is now a popular tourist attraction.

The Aoba Castle is open daily from 9:00 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. and admission costs 200 yen for adults and 100 yen for children. The official website for the castle is not available.

There are several other attractions to see in the surrounding area, such as the Sendai City Museum, which is located within the castle grounds and features exhibits on the history and culture of Sendai. The nearby Zuihoden Mausoleum is also worth a visit, as it is the final resting place of Date Masamune and his family. The museum is open daily from 9:00 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. and admission costs 550 yen for adults and 250 yen for children.

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